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Cornet - Western Philosophy



Western Philosophy Curriculum

What follows are a collection of assignments and readings which are commonly (but not necessarily always) used in Mr.Cornet’s courses.  They are offered here for students who may have been absent and who need to get a copy of them.   By offering them online, it is hoped that . . .

  • All students will have fewer missing/late assignments.
  • These will support the learning of students with special needs and English Language Learners by making available necessary assignments and notes to their programs' support staff and parents.
  • Students (both in my course and elsewhere in the nation) will have more material to review
  • Educators around the world may find these of value to their own instructional practices.

Let me stress that these certainly do not include everything we do, and - while these are in support of the course - they are no substitute to make up for habitual nonattendance.  Rather, the curriculum which follows represent a collection of assignments commonly utilized in class and offer a glimpse of the type of material and learning's the course covers.  Questions may be directed to the instructor at John.Cornet@Phoenix.K12.Or.Us

Lec (Lecture slides),  Rea (Reading),  Fil (Film link),  Oth (Other),  * (indicates questions accompany the assignment)
………REA………….Course Syllabus
General things
LEC    Rea      Oth        Introductory notes, BCE-to-CE dating practices
LEC    REA*  Oth        Genetics / What it reveals of Humanity
LEC    Rea      Oth        Extinction-level events
Lec      REA*  Oth        ET and God
Lec      REA*  Oth        Is God An Accident?
Lec      REA*  Oth        Oh Gods!
Lec      Rea      OTH     Abigail Adams / Thomas Jefferson discussion prompt
Lec      OTH*  OTH     Philosophy Memes
LEC    Rea      Oth        Shakespeare authorship debate
LEC    Rea      Oth        Robin Hood – the evolution of a myth
Lec      REA*  Oth        Thought Experiment
Lec      Rea      OTH*   Morality question/discussion prompts
LEC    Rea      Oth        Philosophy books
REA1*  REA2*  OTH  Star Trek philosophy
Films and online video lessons
Lec      Rea      OTH*    Arrival
LEC*  Rea      Oth         Interstellar
LEC    Rea      OTH*    Minority Report
Lec      Rea      OTH*    Munich
Lec      OTH*  FIL        The Question of God
LEC    Rea      Oth         Harvard Lecture series, with link to multiple Philosophy presentations
Les Misérables
LEC*   Rea     OTH*    Intro lecture and debrief questions  
ESSAY1*   ESSAY2*  Essays for Les Miserables book and 1998 film
Lec      REA*  Oth       Character Evaluation – Eponine
Lec      REA*  Oth       Character Evaluation – Jean Valjean
Ancient Philosophers  
LEC    Rea      Oth       334 BCE Zeno of Citium
LEC    Rea      Oth       341 BCE Epicurus
LEC    Rea      FIL       384 BCE Aristotle        
LEC    FIL1    FIL2     428 BCE Plato
LEC    Rea      Oth       445 BCE Antithenes from Athens    
LEC    Rea      Oth       460 BCE Democritis
LEC    Rea      Oth       469 BCE Socrates
LEC    Rea      Oth       480 BCE Leucippus of Miletus
LEC    Rea      Oth       487 BCE Gorgios of Lentini
LEC    Rea      Oth       490 BCE Zeno of Elea
LEC    Rea      Oth       500 BCE Anaxagoras of Clazomenae
LEC    Rea      Oth       515 BCE Paramenides of Elea
LEC    Rea      Oth       569 BCE Pythagoras of Samos
LEC    Rea      Oth       620 BCE Thales of Miletus
LEC    Rea      Oth       628 BCE Zoroaster
Medieval Philosophers
LEC    REA    FIL1   FIL2  354 CE St.Augustine  
LEC    FIL1    FIL2           1135 CE Moses Maimonides 
Lec      REA    Oth             1225 CE Thomas Aquinas
LEC    REA    FIL             1285 CE William of Ockham and Ockham’s Ravor     
Renaissance Philosophers
LEC    Rea      Oth       1462 CE Pietro Pomponazzi
LEC    Rea      Oth       1466 CE Desiderius Erasmus
Lec      REA    Oth       1469 CE Niccolo Machiavelli
Lec      REA    Oth       1478 CE Thomas More
LEC    FIL1    FIL2     1483 CE Martin Luther                 
LEC    Rea      Oth       1509 CE John Calvin
Lec      REA    Oth       1536 CE Desiderius Erasmus
LEC    REA    Oth       1588 CE Thomas Hobbes
LEC    Rea      Oth       1596 CE Rene Descartes      
LEC    Rea      Oth       1623 CE Blaise Pascal and Pascal’s Wager
LEC    Rea      Oth       1632 CE Barush Spinoza
LEC    REA    Oth       1632 CE John Locke
Early-Modern Philosophers
LEC    Rea      Oth      1647 CE Pierre Bayle
LEC    Rea      FIL      1668 CE Giambattista Vico    
LEC    Rea      FIL      1685 CE George Berkeley  
LEC    Rea      FIL      1694 CE Voltaire       
LEC    Rea      FIL      1711 CE David Hume        
LEC    Rea      FIL      1712 CE Jean Jacques Rosseau    
LEC    Rea      FIL      1723 CE Adam Smith 
LEC    Rea      FIL      1724 CE Immanuel Kant      
LEC    FIL1    FIL2    1737 CE Thomas Payne                 
LEC    FIL1    FIL2    1748 CE Jeremy Bentham               
LEC    REA    Oth      1756 CE William Godwin
LEC    Rea      Oth      1757 CE William Blake
LEC    REA    Oth      1759 CE Mary Wollstonecraft
LEC    Rea      Oth      1766 CE Thomas Mathus
LEC    Rea      Oth      1777 CE Carl Gauss
Modern Philosophers
LEC    Rea      Oth      1803 CE Ralph Waldo Emerson
LEC    Rea      Oth      1806 CE John Stuart Mill
LEC    Rea      Oth      1807 CE Harriet Taylor Mill
LEC    Rea      Oth      1813 CE Soren Kierkegaard
LEC    Rea      Oth      1817 CE Henry David Thoreau
LEC    Rea      Oth      1844 CE Friedrich Nietzsche
LEC    Rea      Oth      1859 CE Henri Bergson
LEC    Rea      Oth      1901 CE Werner Heisenberg
LEC    Rea      Oth      1908 CE Simone de Beauvoir
LEC    Rea      Oth      1913 CE Albert Camus