Drama Club Thespian Troupe
Fall Play Auditions Coming Soon
ATTENTION PHS THESPIANS: If you would like to audition for our fall play, "An Inspector Calls," please fill out this form soon. Auditions will be held Aug. 5, 6 and 7. Click here for more information about our 2024-25 lineup.
The Phoenix High School Drama Club is open to any and all students who want to get involved with theater, both performance and technical production, for the school plays, support of other events in our theater and other performing arts groups on campus, and take part in events with theater students from all over Oregon.
If you are interested in getting involved, find or email Mr. Doty in the upstairs theater office near the sound room.
Follow PHS Drama Club on Twitter
The International Thespian Society is an honor society for high school & middle school theater students. The Society’s name comes from the Greek performer Thespis, who is purported to be the first-ever solo actor. It is a division of the Educational Theatre Association.
Thespian Troupe #1777 was reactivated at Phoenix High School in 2021 and will induct its first new members in 2022. Becoming a Thespian is optional, but it is available for any student who has taken part in at least two different theater activities in two different capacities during their high school career.
Ask Mr. Doty if you think you qualify for Induction!