Phoenix HS has many clubs and activities for students to join. What follows is a list of our clubs; meeting day, time and advisor are subject to change, and it would be advisable for interested students to contact the advisor. Some such clubs persist year after year, while others come and go, reflecting student interest. There is also a mechanism through which new clubs can be created, and you may find it in the school handbook.
Club Sports Programs
Ski Team
School–Sponsored Clubs/Groups
Academic Decathlon
Advisor Representative
Anime Club
Brain Bowl
Chess Club
Community 101
Drama Club and Thespian Troupe
FFA - Future Farmers of America
Fiction Reading Club
French Club
Italian Club
Key Club
Machiavelli and Philosophy Club
Magic Club
Math Team
Model United Nations
My Future, My Choice
PHTV – Phoenix High Television
Pirate Scroll Newspaper
Speech and Debate
Sparrow Club
World Quest
"Common Sense" Club (Politics)
Gamers (computer games)
Ultimate Frisbee
Ukelele Club
Crafters Club
Bowling Club
Harry Potter Club
Code (computer coding) Club
Breakfast Club
A Cappella Club
Fiddle Club
Multi-Cultural Club
DECA (An Association of Marketing Students)
Strategic Board Games Club
Student-Mediation Dispute Resolution Program
Student–Led Clubs/Groups
Impact Club
Brony Club
Young Democrats
Young Republicans
Gay-Straight Alliance
Student-Mediation Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution Program
Advisor: John Cornet
Contact: CoachCornet@Hotmail.Com or (541) 535-5232
Phoenix HS is the ONLY high school in southern Oregon to have a peer-mediation program, and it is the oldest continuously active program between Seattle (Washington) and Sacramento (California).
We are a group of students trained in conflict identification and dispute resolution skills who will mediate situations on campus with the goal of fostering a safe, supportive and harmonious atmosphere. Skill trainings occur throughout the school year, usually during lunch, and students attend as their schedule permits. Skill trainings are rooted in restorative practices, and the type of situation students are prepared to intervene with are not restricted solely to high school issues, but also post-graduation matters as well. This program conveys career-ready skills which are worth inclusion on a professional resume.
This is a type of leadership organization which will enhance your employment resume, scholarship potential and university applications. Students can earn academic credit from Southern Oregon University, and elective credit toward high school graduation.
The program has never had fewer than 10% of the school population involved in formal mediation trainings. In 2015-2016, 15% of the high school population has some form of conflict resolution training under the auspices of this program.
Visit our Mediation Facebook page
This is the Mediation Referral Form we utilize to get the process started.
This is our Mediation Recruitment/Informational Flier
This is a Staff Informational Flier we give to staff, with details of the program as relevant to them.
The Mediation Script student-mediators use in our preparatory trainings.
The Mediation Program Packet, with 97 pages of information pertaining to the program!
“Conflict Resolution in Schools” by John Cornet (an unpublished manuscript)
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